March 30, 2023

bandcamp video download

Many people today enjoy streaming online music. While streaming is convenient, sometimes it is important to have a download of the video that you are viewing. With Bandcamp, videos can be downloaded and reused for personal or educational purposes. In this article, we’ll discuss the steps needed to download Bandcamp videos.

Understanding Bandcamp

Bandcamp is an independent music platform that offers streaming and digital downloads of music and videos. It allows both the artist and the viewer to access the content from anywhere in the world. All products have their own page on the website where viewers can stream the videos, obtain detailed information about the artist, purchase albums, or download digital files.

Downloading Bandcamp Videos

In order to download a Bandcamp video, a few things must first be in place. First, you’ll need to have a valid user account on the website. Secondly, you’ll need to know the video’s URL, which is the web address of the video you’re interested in downloading. Once those two requirements are taken care of, the download process itself is relatively straightforward.

Step One

The first step is to right-click on the video title link on the Bandcamp page. This will pull up a menu with several options. Choose the option that says ‘copy link address’, which will copy the URL of the video into your clipboard.

Step Two

Go to the website, which is the official Bandcamp video downloader. Paste the URL of the video you’re looking to download into the field provided. Click the ‘Start Download’ button and the download should begin.

Step Three

Once the download is complete, you should see a newly created file with the name of the video and the file type. All Bandcamp videos are downloaded as either MP3 or MP4 formats. Rename the file if necessary and save it to the folder of your choice.

Watching the Video

Your file is now ready to be watched or used as you please. To watch the video, simply double click on the file and it should automatically open in your computer’s media player. Depending on your media player and the type of file, you may also be required to install additional codecs or plugins.


In conclusion, downloading a Bandcamp video is easy and straightforward when you understand the necessary steps. All you need is a valid user account and the URL of the video you want to download. After setting up the necessary accounts and copying the URL, downloading and watching the video should be straightforward.

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